To create an account, go to the top-right hand corner of our website. On the black bar, you will find "Sign Up". Select this link to proceed to our registration page.


The AsiaXPAT registration form should appear on your screen. Fill-in all required(*) details on the form then scroll to the bottom of the page and select "Register" to officially submit your registration.


But wait, your registration is not yet complete. Remember to activate your account with the link that our system sent to the email you've indicated in the registration form.


Your account activation link will be valid within 4 days of your registration as is specified in our Welcome email.

You may consider your registration a success once you have activated your account and this message appears on your screen.

Login to your account and start browsing through our website!

If you find that the 4-day account activation period has already lapsed, please feel free to contact our AXP Support Team for assistance.