Typically, advertisements on the website will receive an email notification from our system at least 2-4 days before your ad expires. If you did not receive the said notification, please ensure that you have added asiaxpat.com domain to your email's Safe Senders List so that you may receive our notifications in a timely manner.

In order to edit an advert on the website you will need to login to your user account and proceed to your Dashboard.

Once you have done this you will need to select the section which you have posted your advertisement under the My Ads sub-navigation on the left (i.e. Classifieds, Properties, Personals, Directory, Jobs).

A list of your published ads on the website will appear in your screen. Select the "Renew" button along the bottom of the advertisement that you wish to renew.

This will bring up the submission form on your screen. Make the necessary changes on your advertisement then scroll to the bottom and select "Next" to preview the contents of your ad. Once you have reviewed your ad, select the "Post Ad" option to re-submit your ad to our editors.

Please note that all renewed advertisements are screened and must be approved by our editors before being published to the website again.