As part of our review process our editors check each ad to ensure they meet our strict guidelines.

Ads which appear to fall under the following categories are put on hold for a senior editor to review;

Retailers/Small Business

Some users attempt to run small businesses or clear stock from a business on the website. If you are suspected of running a business the ad will be rejected. You must subscribe to one of the paid classifieds options when submitting your ad.

New Items

Some users attempt to pass off their new items as USED, so anytime we see new items classified as 'used' for sale then the ad will be rejected.

Duplicate Ads

Some users re-post ads in order to push them to the top position and fail to delete the previous listing. Our editors will verify if a user is re-posting in this manner and reject ads accordingly.

Sold Items

Users will submit an ad and indicate in the ad that the item is SOLD.  This is redundant and as a result will be rejected.

If you wish to contest the decision of our Editors regarding your ad,  please send a ticket with your item's AD ID to our AXP Support Team for assistance.